
The Phoenix Projects began in Kaqchikel-speaking communities in Chimaltenango and Sacatepéquez in 2002. Since then we have built schools for hundreds of children to receive first-time education and provided daily food and fruit as well as educational materials. For all the latest news please follow this link.

We have constructed energy efficient stoves to help reduce in-house air pollution and invested in sustainable income plans for over one hundred local families to improve their own standard of living.

We have also provided materials to rebuild homes and food supplies after natural disasters including Hurricanes Stan and Agatha, donated fertilizer for family crops, provided food and fruit-trees to the elderly population, reforested tens of thousands of trees and awarded hundreds of scholarships for further education.

With primary school education becoming more economically accessible and available in the communities over the past few years, we are putting our resources into new projects at Lake Atitlán including scholarships for secondary school, college and university, sustainable income plans for local families, classroom materials for primary school, help for the elderly and localised construction.

We have also started a small sewing business for single teen mothers by purchasing sewing machines and providing training. Over the next few years it is hoped that income generated by the sustainable plans will pay for more scholarships, increased help for the elderly generation and small family construction projects, like kitchens, toilets and basic maintenance.

With current sustainable plans already in place and additions in the future we hope to provide further education for over 500 students in total each year.

Please follow this link for a financial history of our work in Guatemala and future plans for funding and if you can donate to our work, please click on the photo on the right side of your screen. Thank you!