The Phoenix Projects began work in Perú in both primary and kindergarten schools in the Quechua-speaking desert communities (pueblos jovenes) of Triunfo and Maldonado in Sachaca on the outskirts of Arequipa at 2,400m (7,800 feet) in 2006 and later in Chiguata, Chivay and Machahuaya. For all the latest news please follow this link.

Since then we have employed local teachers and cooks so the children could have one hot meal a day as well as fresh fruit. We have built extra classrooms, energy-efficient stoves and kitchens in the schools, awarded materials scholarships for further education and communal water tanks due to the scarcity of water.

In 2013 the government became more proactive with food programs and teachers so our work is now concentrated in Maldonado.

Through income from sustainable income plans we aim to generate funds for around 100 children to receive official education in primary school and be prepared for secondary, college and University levels each year.

Please follow this link for a financial history of our work in Perú and future plans for funding and if you can donate to our work, please click on the photo on the right side of your screen. Thank you!